

Mobile App Marketing


HaloDoc was created as an ease solution for Indonesian citizen to consult their health problems only with one simple application via Smartphone. With HaloDoc Apps, users can easily talks with the doctor via chat, voice call or even video call wherever and whenever. Next Digital is trusted to be part of HaloDoc Apps progression in Digital industries.


Through research, we found that Indonesia people’s awareness about health is still relatively quite low, even just for consult with the doctors though. However, with variety of facilities that can be found in this digital age, the presence of HaloDoc can change that habit.

By building user-based in digital, and also creates high public awareness about how easy to get information and health checks that can be done in digital apps, we are confident to make HaloDoc as the most demanding digital health apps by the public.


We started working with optimizing the existing network such as using the latest system from Google, UAC (Universal Apps Campaign) which can be more targeted to iOS or Android users.

Besides using the UAC, Social Media has also become of our focus. Along with so many number of users in Social Media via Smartphones that considerate to the latest updates, we also strive to make an approach to the users with variety of creative advertising through Social Media ads.

At the end, to obtain accurate user data and to optimize it, our team is also using a tracking tool that appropriate for HaloDoc application.


  • 20,000 Downloads <3 Months
  • 5,000,000 user reach in 1 Month
  • 2x user growth <2 Months
  • 21% more cost efficient than targeted budget
  • Created a strong and loyal user-based in Indonesia
  • Develop more focused HaloDoc apps, according to user needs.